Claudio Todeschini CRe-AM Interview

Name : Claudio Todeschini

Job Title : Editor in Chief

Organisation : The Games Machine (Video Games Magazine)

Sector : Video games press

Web Link :

Interview Date : 1/12/15

Location : JamToday, Citilab, Barcelona

Short Biography

Writing articles, editing, coordinating the editorial team, managing the magazine budget, and ensuring that the magazine hits the streets on time every month!


1. What current technologies and tools fulfill your needs in your practice?

PC Hardware

Software – Development Kits, Unity, Unreal, In-house games engines, Modelling tools, Adobe CS, Maya etc

2. What technologies do you see emerging in the next 5-10 years?

VR? (accessibility), Better graphics and cheaper devices

3. Could you identify any strengths and weaknesses with these technologies?

Strengths – more ease of use and processing power

Weaknesses – the form factor of VR headsets is disturbing and not easy to set up


4. Do you think there are additional technologies or tools needed, or that you would wish for?

AI, Adaptation to user dynamically, greater processing power and more in-game choices


5. If these were available what would you be creating?

Mostly the same types of games as today but with slight differences and more focus on narrative and storylines

6. Can you see any strengths and weakness involved?

Strengths – better engagement

Weaknesses – blurring of the lines between reality and fantasy and the possible impact on young people

7. What do you recommend to fill the gap between creators and technology providers?

Within the games industry there is not such a big gap because of multidisciplinary skills required

Need to develop multidisciplinary teams