Robin Baumgarten CRe-AM Interview

Name : Robin Baumgarten

Job Title : Independent Developer

Organisation : N/A

Sector : Computer Games

Web Link :

Interview Date : 17/11/15

Location : London Indie Games Co-Working Space

Short Biography



1. What current technologies and tools fulfill your needs in your practice?

PC Hardware Platform, STEAM publishing, Unity, Arduino Hardware, Sensors, 3D printers, Accelerometers, LED strips

2. What technologies do you see emerging in the next 5-10 years?

3D printing, Arduino prototyping, input devices, tactile feedback, physical and mixed reality games

3. Could you identify any strengths and weaknesses with these technologies?

Strengths – brings differentiation, less competition, physical and discoverable

Weaknesses – expensive produce, hard to sell, 3D printing quality not quite good enough


4. Do you think there are additional technologies or tools needed, or that you would wish for?

VR, Mixed reality games with physical objects, board games linked to video games, 3D interaction between virtual and physical, physical and tactile input and output devices


5. If these were available what would you be creating?

Mixed reality games which bridge physical and virtual worlds

6. Can you see any strengths and weakness involved?

Strengths – Brings games back into the physical world

Weaknesses –possible social isolation from VR

7. What do you recommend to fill the gap between creators and technology providers?

Don’t see too much of a gap, video games do bring creative and technologists together, Forums are useful for collaboration