
Extract of Testimonial

“ absolutely visionary leader, extremely full of energy and enthusiasm, a nice and reliable friend and incredible fun to be with!”

"He possesses leadership qualities that allow him to nurture the best from others and generate results greater than the parts....” 

“...indeed was excellently prepared, interesting, thought provoking and changing the understanding for what purposes those new technologies (video games, virtual worlds, social networks) can be seriously used. “

“....I can say that I really discovered serious games thanks to him.”

“David’s greatest strength is his ability to be an excellent active listener and help you navigate solutions that will engage students in a deeper and more meaningful way”

“...David is one of few thought-leaders worldwide who combines deep understanding on the subject of Serious Games with the ability to transmit his passion remarkably to the audience. .”

“...He not only helped us with the program structure but also made fantastic presentations and workshops which attracted lots of people."

“He is one of the few international speakers I have heard who genuinely fulfil what I believe is the most important goal: giving attendees ideas and practical techniques to take back to their own organisations...”

“....He has been a great champion and advocate for the uses of innovative technology in all sorts of sectors and applications.”

Practical Workshop Testimonials

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